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Board Meeting Minutes

Estrara Kunsido pri Financaj Aferoj
(Board of Directors Meeting on Finantial Matters)
2017 December 9 – @ 10:00 AM

Attendees (ĉe-estantoj):

  • Chris NELSON
  • Phil DORCAS
  • Paige FELDMANN
  • Charlotte BURTON
  • Nick WOODS

$20,000 – from Esperantic Studies Foundation – made available to spend before end of 2018

Esperanto-USA can write a letter requesting $20,000 in grant money from Esperantic Studies Foundation. We have to decide what we’re going to be using it for – how to divy up the money.

Ideas for use of funds;:

  • Youth to travel to TEJO congress
  • Transportation and lodging expenses for someone to train local clubs
  • Regional events – i.e. NOREK, etc.


Charlotte – NASK scholarships, attendance at regional events

Ben – whatever we do – to make life better for Esperantists in the United States – not for people who can afford what they want to do or for people outside the US. First time attendees at events, etc.

Phil – We don’t need to get too detailed on how we will spend the funds – can be detailed out later. We need general categories of types of things the funds will be used. Categories – with brief descriptions and proposed amounts to spend.

Charlotte – category suggestion – “support for first time attendance at Esperanto events”

Phil – $3000 to Amsterdam Chair (Federico GOBBO) discussed at Raleigh meeting – criticism that it will not benefit EUSA – yet relationship with Esperantic Studies Foundation is very important

Nick – $3000 to Amsterdam Chair – concern that many have not heard of the Amsterdam Chair and relevance to Esperantists in USA and Esperanto-USA.

Phil / Charlotte – re: orienational webinar by Humphrey TONKIN re: the Amsterdam Chair position, its uniqueness and important


  • Support for Local Group Initiatives
  • Support for Esperantists to Attend Regional and National Events
  • Supporting Youth Leaders in National and International Events

Any way to insert an “education” related term in category name?

Charlotte – will make sure to highlight the educational aspects of each category names.

Discussion re: allocation of funds

  • $5,000 – Support for Local Group Initiatives
  • $3,000 – Supporting Youth Leaders in National and International Events
  • $12,000 – Support for Esperantists to Attend Regional and National Esperanto Events

Charlotte moved to approved proposed budget for the $20,000 from Esperantic Studies Foundation.

Nick WOODS seconded

Approved unanimously

Discuss Landa-Kongreso-n (National Congress)

  • Location – private Christian school in Seattle – pretty happy with place – comfortable and modern campus – with facilities tha fit needs
  • Ben SPEAKMON discussed:
    • Chuck SMITH – pay for trip to NASK
    • La Perdita Generacio
    • Venue – @ Seattle Center – for $800 – capacity @ 200
    • Mark FETTES – will be there – will be part of ESF meeting happening at the same time as EUSA meeting
    • 126 people – dorm capacity @ 2 per dorm + a few apartments
    • 75 paid attendees will be a “break even” number based on costs vs fees
    • 2nd floor area of dining hall at SPU – with caterer – good place for bank

Propose that the Board the EUSA approve the budget

  • Nick WOODS moved
  • Ben SPEAKMON seconded
  • approved unanimously

Questions about how we’re using various funds.

Discussed with Gary GRADY.

Vision looks bright for the future.

Charlotte – put together report for publication in Usona Esperantisto re: possibilities for use of various funds

Ben – moves that we allocate $1500 from the EUSA General Fund towards Esperanto Chair for the University of Amsterdam (Federico GOBBO).

Nick – voted No – The rest voted Yes.

We need to be transparent – to say “yes, we’ve created a new web site” – board members attending board meetings of EUSA – better contact with local groups – reorganized regions – regional directors – Google Ad Words – organizational membership drive – exceptionally active Board

Changing Board from 15 to 10. Membership will be expecting proposal on how to handle it.

We’re electing 2 members for 3-year term and 1 for 2-year term – for later board meeting?

Schedule next Board Meeting – Saturday, January 13, 2018 @ 10:00 AM (Pacific) – 1:00 PM (Eastern)

Chris NELSON to check schedule and update Board con confirm availability.