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Board Meeting Minutes – May, 2023





David BECK

Charlotte BURTON






Ĉeestas sen Voĉdonrajtoj


Logan HALL


Brandon SOWERS

La prezidento komencas la kunsidon. Ni havas kvorumon. Charlotte petis aldonon al la tagordo, ke la estraro diskutu oferton de volontulo, kiun ni ricevis. Laŭ la kutimo de la estraro, la protokoloj de la antaŭa kunsido jam estas akceptataj.



La voĉdonado komencis kaj rete kaj papere, laŭ la prefero de la membroj. Ĝis nun 43 homoj jam enregistriĝis por la LK. Tio inkluzivas 2 aŭ 3 stipendiojn. La balotilo enhavas proponitajn ŝanĝojn al la regularo, sed Fred rimarkas, ke la estraro ĝis nun ne voĉdonis pri tiuj, do ni faru tion nun. La proponitaj ŝanĝoj temas pri oficialigi kelkajn regulojn, kiujn la organizaĵo ĝis nun jam uzis neoficiale pri la fondusoj. The board switches to English for financial matters and discusses further the details of this, after having previously discussed in detail on Slack. Brandon comments on the irregularity of the bylaws change being on the ballot without having been previously voted on by the board. The board has been discussing these changes for several months, and several changes have been made in accordance with that discussion.

On April 30th, after the proposals had been sent to the Central Office for placement on the ballot, Fred raised the issue that no official board vote had been set forth. Some Board members argue that there had indeed been time, that the draft proposals had been presented two months prior to both the membership and the Board for comments, and Fred had been invited to voice any concerns. Since he did not raise any concerns in a timely fashion, and all suggested edits from Board members had been incorporated without further objection, it was thought that the sole requirement of the Bylaws regarding amendment proposals (section 1203, “Amendments may be proposed by the Board”) had been met. 

Fred additionally expresses concern that the requirement of a unanimous Board vote for dissolving an Endowment Fund may be too strict. Others point out that the threshhold is set intentionally high, since the Board is never supposed to dissolve an Endowment Fund, and donors to these restricted funds need to feel confident that their money will not be misspent. Hoss adds that, by law, when monies are solicited for an explicit purpose, we are prohibited from using them for an unrelated purpose; thus the legal requirements are far more strict than even the new bylaws propose.

To satisfy any concerns, Margo proposes that the board vote now in support of these changes. Jane seconds. Filipo calls for the vote. The board votes unanimously in favor of these changes appearing as they already do on the ballot. It is recommended that a more formal board procedure for future amendment proposals would be desirable. Hoss agrees to write such a procedure for the new Board Handbook.

Tim Rice volunteers to review Delaware law in matters regarding the dissolution of restricted and interest-only funds. He further clarifies that when his time on the board ends, the new board can nonetheless contact him for information and opinions on such matters. Hoss, Brandon, and Alekso continue discussing the proposed bylaws changes and the procedure by which they were formed and placed onto the ballot.


Some convention income is now showing. Other than that, everything looks normal. Hoss has pointed out that the reports are not being archived, and David states that he will work on that. When asked what the convention income looks like compared to normal, Bill stated that it is a little lower than normal, but that may yet change. 


Filipo discusses the things that were difficult for him when he first became president and gives some advice and information to Brandon and the other board candidates, so that they can have an idea of what sort of board they are entering into, regarding committees and other matters. 

Old Business

Sci-Fi Flyer

This was done last month.

New Business

Volunteer Request

A 16 year-old member has requested to joining the (currently non-existent) diversity committee and project committee. The question is, do we have her start these, or do we give her something else to do with the promise that we will start these new committees when the new board starts. Brandon suggests that it is a great initiative, and that the LK is a great opportunity to build the initiative and build up these teams. Charlotte will email the volunteer and recommend that she talk to the volunteer coordinator and that she attend the LK, where we can work on forming these two committees and giving them a chance to get started. Bill agrees to send Charlotte the section of the LK contract that deals with minors in order to determine how this volunteer could participate in the LK.


Filipo clarifies the end-of-meeting and post-meeting procedures for the incoming board members. Alekso requests that we discuss in Slack regarding the Film Festival, which should start on June 1, in order to allow it to be ongoing during NASK and LK. He is requesting permission that, if he runs the Film Festival, he will be allowed to run it even when he is no longer a board member and permission to make this a single film festival for the year.