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Board Meeting Minutes – August, 2023



Brandon SOWERS

David BECK

Charlotte BURTON



Quintyn (Kuo) BOBB

Enrique (Enriko) MARQUEZ


Ĉeestas sen Voĉdonrajtoj


The meeting is called to order, and a quorum is declared. The minutes from the previous meeting are automatically approved per board procedure.

Standing Reports


Nothing to report regarding a trust that has been given to E-USA.

President’s Report

Sent to the board in advance for review.


Financial reports were sent to the board at the treasurer’s request.

New Business

Bequeathment from Robert Swenson

Proposal by the treasurer: Entrust the financial committee with making appropriate follow-up steps regarding this disbursement, including engaging a professional as appropriate, and bringing further recommendations to the board about how to allocate these monies when received. 

Margo seconds the proposal. Unanimously approved with 8 votes.

Financial Committee

Proposal: Confirm Anna Bennett, Gary Grady, and Chuck Mays as advisors to the financial committee, entrusted to review financial documents, represent Esperanto-USA to financial institutions (under guidance of the Financial Committee) and help make recommendations to the board. Their period as advisors will last until December 2024, unless changed by a board decision. 

David moves that we accept this proposal. Fred seconds. After it is clarified that “represent Esperanto-USA to financial institutions” is describing work that these advisors have already been doing for years, that our investments are limited to certain specific, low-risk investment types, and that this is all done in collaboration with and under the supervision of the board and the director of the CO, David proposes to amend the proposal to strike out the clause “represent Esperanto-USA to financial institutions (under guidance of the Financial Committee).” Margo seconds the amendment. The amendment is passed by acclamation. After further discussion, Fred moves to table the proposal for next month. Jane seconds. The motion to table this proposal unanimously passes.

Proposal: Authorize Financial Committee to seek out and engage recommend to the board a financial professional to assist with recommendations on internal controls, auditing, and other necessary financial functions. This may turn into an ongoing engagement for financial planning, tax advice, and similar matters. 

David moves that we accept this proposal. Fred seconds. Margo proposes an amendment changing “seek out and engage” to “seek out and recommend to the board.” Quintyn seconds. After clarifying that the financial committee may take executive action to ensure the transfer of the incoming bequeathment  to Esperanto-USA’s control but must recommend to the board a financial advisor for determining what to do from there, Brandon calls for a vote. The amendment passes with six in favor, one opposed, and one abstained. The board unanimously passes the amended proposal.

Communication Strategy

After Quintyn summarizes a proposed strategy for improving communications between Esperanto-USA as an organization and the membership as well as a wider audience, Brandon asks that we confirm two committees: the communications committee and the projects committee. 

Proposal: Confirm communications committee, composed of Kuo (chair), Hoss Firooznia, Logan Hall, Enrique Haro Marquez, Chuck Mays.

David moves to accept this proposal, and Jane seconds. The motion passes unanimously.

Proposal: Confirm projects committee, composed of Logan Hall (Chair), Enrique Haro Marquez, Eric Demers, Myrtis Smith, Vince Allison.

Margo moves to accept this proposal, and David seconds. After clarifying the purpose of the projects committee as being to facilitate E-USA finding and supporting worthy member projects, the motion is unanimously approved. 

Old Business

Paralela Universo

Proposal: Consider the ten announcements in the Parallel Universe google group up to August 10th to be sufficient announcement for the groups to be eligible for reimbursement; and follow PU’s guidelines of allowing events 1 day before or after the official day to still count (and be eligible for reimbursement).

Margo moves that we accept this proposal. David seconds. After clarifying a plan to communicate to the 10 groups how to request the reimbursement, the meeting passes unanimously. 

All remaining business is tabled until a future date and to be discussed via Slack. Fred moves to adjourn; Jane seconds, and the motion is passed by acclamation.

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