Matt Brooks | Approved on: Sept 22, 2024 | Updated on: Feb 23, 2025
Summary of Updates:
Feb 23, 2025 | Added planned drawdown strategy for endowments and unrestricted investments to §IV. Financial Planning and Budgeting section |
Added Spending Limits Addendum | |
Dec 8, 2024 | Added Reporting Details Addendum |
Added Investment Strategy Addendum |
I. Purpose
The purpose of the Financial Management Policy is to ensure that Esperanto-USA (the organization)’s financial assets are accurately accounted for and ultimately utilized to further the mission of the organization. This document will inform the Treasurer, Board of Directors, Central Office staff, and the Members about the budgeting process, how assets and liabilities are accounted for, how income and expenses are aligned to appropriate Programs, and how the organization will conduct financial reporting to the membership.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all parties responsible for financial decisions and utilization of assets for the organization. This includes the Board of Directors, the Treasurer, the Central Office staff, Fund or Program Managers, the Accountant, and any volunteers that may be asked to assist with financial matters (ex. running the bookstore during a national conference).
III. Authority and Responsibilities
- Board of Directors: Ultimate responsibility for the financial management of the organization.
- Treasurer: Authorized to act on behalf of the Board on financial matters and oversees financial management.
- Executive Director: Manages day-to-day financial operations, hires staff, and maintains financial records.
- Accountant: Makes financial transactions, balances the books and runs end-of-period (e.g. month, quarter, year) reports, and ensures accounting practices are followed.
- Program Managers (formerly Fund Managers): Individuals or committees that are designated and entrusted by the Board for a specific period of time. They act at the will of the Board and with a simple majority vote, can be created, dissolved, or modified. Their primary responsibility shall be to ensure that requested expenditures align to a Program in the organization’s budget. They will work with the Treasurer and Executive Director to authorize and request payments be made to support their Programs.
IV. Financial Planning and Budgeting
- Annual Budget:
- The annual budget will be drawn up and approved by the Board no later than the December board meeting each year.
- The budget will include expected operational expenditures based on historic values and any known future plans. These will typically be part of the General & Administrative (G&A) section of the budget.
- Programs will be defined by the Board in accordance with the mission of the organization. Program Managers, committee members, Executive Director and the Board will propose expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year which can be tracked throughout the year by the Treasurer, Executive Director, and the Accountant. These will be in the Programming section of the budget.
- Included in the Programming expenses will be items such as scholarships, membership services, national conferences, et al.
- The annual budget will include a planned drawdown of endowments to be used for the appropriate programs (per their instructions). The drawdown will range from 4-5% unless otherwise agreed to and approved by the Board during the budget cycle.
- The funds will be withdrawn in the first quarter and held in savings until such time that they are spent.
- The income from this drawdown will be recorded as Endowment Income and be classified by the appropriate program so that financial reports will show the appropriate expenses aligned to the endowment income items.
- The Board should avoid any other drawdowns from the endowment account throughout the year. Any additional drawdowns will need to be approved by at least two-thirds of the voting Board members and be clearly documented in the appropriate Board Meeting minutes.
- The annual budget will include a planned drawdown of unrestricted investments to be used for operational expenses of the organization. The Board can direct these funds as needed, however they should primarily support the Central Office operations, including the Bookstore.
- The funds will be withdrawn in the first quarter and transferred to the operational savings account.
- The income from this drawdown will be recorded as Investment Income and classified as Operating or General.
- Long-Term Planning: As part of the long-term planning of the organization, a separate Investment Management strategy and process will be developed by the Finance Committee and included as an Addendum in this document. This will include traditional investments in the organization’s brokerage account as well as board-created endowments and policies aligned to managing the organization’s trust(s) (see Section XI. Investment Management).
V. Revenue Management
- Income Recording: The Accountant and Executive Director will share responsibility for recording income from the various sources (e.g. donations, membership dues, the online bookstore, real-time bookstore activities at conferences, endowment income, investment income from the organization’s investments, et al). Income will be recorded in one of 5 income accounts (e.g. membership dues, donations, endowment income, investment income, and bookstore sales which will include any merchandise that the organization sells).
- Non-cash Gift Acceptance: Donations of financial assets (e.g. stocks, mutual funds, et al investments) will be liquidated at the time of the donation and the current net value will be aligned to either a specific Program at the donor’s request, a specific Program at the Board’s discretion if there are no superseding donor instructions, or the General & Administrative account for operational needs.
- Exceptions include donations made as an Endowment or a Trust where the financial vehicle is required to remain in its current form to generate ongoing income. In these cases income will be liquidated quarterly and aligned to the designated purpose/according to pre-documented instructions (see Section VII. Asset Management § Brokerage Account).
VI. Expense Management
- Authorization: The Treasurer and the Board ultimately have the responsibility to approve any and all expenses, especially those not already accounted for in the budget. The Treasurer reserves the right to set approval thresholds by which the Finance Committee and/or the Board should need to intervene prior to the Executive Director (or others) performing a payment transaction.
- For planned expenses already in the budget, the Program Manager should include the Treasurer on requests to the Executive Director for payment, but no further approval will be required so long as the amount aligns to the budget. The Treasurer will verify and approve Payroll before paychecks are issued.
- For expenses not already in the budget that are aligned to a program, the Program Manager will have authority to submit requests to the Executive Director and the Treasurer. Depending on the amount requested and in line with the addendum for Spending Limits, the expense will be reviewed and approved or rejected by the appropriate party (e.g. if the request is over a certain threshold, the Board may need to vote on the request via appropriate voting procedures). Prior to any approvals,the Treasurer and Executive Director will verify that the funds exist in the Program’s budget or are available from another source (e.g. G&A funds).
- For special requests not aligned directly to a program, requests may be submitted to the Executive Director and the Treasurer. Depending on the requests, the Treasurer may, by either using a collaboration tool (e.g. Slack, email) or bringing to a Board Meeting, to raise discussion with the rest of the Board prior to approvals being made.
- Documentation: Official estimates, invoices or other documentation outlining the vendor, purpose of the expense, date, and expense amount will be required prior to any payment transactions being performed in every case. All reimbursements made to the Executive Director shall first be approved by the Treasurer. This is to ensure proper alignment to Program, accounts, and general good bookkeeping practices.
VII. Asset Management
- Bank Accounts: The organization will maintain one checking and savings account for everyday operations and liquid savings. The organization will aim to maintain at least 12 months of operating expenses in the liquid savings account at any one time (see Section X. Cash Management).
The organization will also maintain a business credit card account to facilitate payments for operating and program expenses. The credit card account will be paid in full on its due date every month to avoid any unnecessary interest charges. Where possible, the organization will utilize a credit card plan that offers cash back and other incentives, but does not have an annual fee.
- Brokerage Accounts: The organization will maintain a brokerage account for long-term financial planning (see Section XI. Investment Management). The brokerage account will consist of one or multiple sub-accounts that represent the various endowments that are donated to the organization. Separately, the organization may have its own investments in a sub-account that is not entangled with the endowment accounts. This will facilitate easy and accurate accounting of income from investments which will be dispersed quarterly.
- Fixed Assets: The organization will follow all GAAP procedures and methodologies to manage the value of its fixed assets. Currently the organization maintains some small equipment, however as significant fixed assets are purchased in the future, they will be put into the organization’s financial register and depreciated over the usable life per the IRS’s guidelines for the asset.
- Inventory: The organization will follow all GAAP1 procedures and methodologies to manage the inventory for the online bookstore (a.k.a. la Retbutiko). The Accountant will generally assist the Executive Director with entering inventory into the financial register, if needed, as well as ensure it is checked out, written down, or impaired as needed in the future. The actual inventory will live in the bookstore software and a monthly and quarterly true-up of the value of the inventory will be performed to ensure the financial system is up to date and accurate.
VIII. Internal Controls
- Segregation of Duties: The Treasurer and Finance Committee will agree upon spending thresholds which will trigger additional approvals prior to financial transactions being fulfilled. The thresholds will be maintained as an addendum to this document. Generally speaking, the Executive Director will be responsible for performing financial transactions; however, significant expenses (either for operating or programmatic reasons) will require approval from the Treasurer, Finance Committee, or a majority vote of the Board.
- Audit Trails: The organization will use systems such as QuickBooks Online to maintain an audit trail and provide transparency to the Board and the membership of the organization. The accountant will provide a workbook of reconciliations as requested.
- Conflict of Interest: The Treasurer will not be allowed to chair/lead any committee, unless that committee is established as part of the bylaws and specifically states that the Treasurer should lead it, because they will be an ex-officio member of every committee, required to approve the committee’s budget, any proposals for spending, and hold the committee members accountable to the pre-provided budget during its operations.
Board members will be allowed to lead committees; however, all financial decisions outside of the pre-approved budget will still need a full majority vote of the Board as laid out in Section VI. Expense Management. Board members will be expected to provide detailed reports to the Board for any committees that they lead, including updates on expenses and tracking to or deviations from the budget.
In addition, Board members and the Executive Director (or other paid staff members) will not be permitted to be Fund or Program Managers since they may need to provide approval (or rejection) for funding and expenses or perform the financial transactions after approval.
IX. Financial Reporting
- Regular Reporting: The Accountant, Executive Director, and Treasurer will ensure that financial statements are reconciled and closed monthly and produce reports at each Board meeting. The format and type of reports will be determined by the Board and can change at any time either during a Board discussion or other conversation with the Treasurer.
The organization will share quarterly summary reports with the membership via the official organ (aka ‘Usona Esperantisto’). These will include simplified overviews of the financial performance of the organization with respect to the annual budget. Additional transactional detail will not be published as it is considered privileged information per the organization’s bylaws. - See Reporting Details Addendum for additional details
X. Cash Management
- Petty Cash: The organization does not have petty cash. Small transactions required for operating expenses should utilize the organization’s checking account or the associated debit card.
- Reserves: The organization will maintain at least 12 months of cash in the liquid savings account per best practices for non-profit organizations (see Section VII. Asset Management).
XI. Investment Management
- Investment Policies: The Finance Committee will develop a detailed strategy and process for investments made via the organization’s brokerage account. Note this excludes endowment sub-accounts and only pertains to the organization’s own investments. See the Investment Strategy addendum in this document.
- Risk appetite and guidelines: Although greater detail will be provided in an Addendum to this document, the Finance Committee will set and periodically review the risk appetite and choose which types of financial vehicles (e.g. dividend-bearing Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), mutual funds, bonds, et al) to prioritize.
- Oversight: The Treasurer and Finance Committee will review the performance of the investments every quarter. They will partner with the brokerage fund’s account management team for advice and to balance the risk in the investment portfolio.
XII. Risk Management
- Insurance: The organization will maintain insurance and bonding for key Board members and staff, including the Executive Director and Treasurer, per the bylaws. The Executive Director will be directly responsible for these activities within one month of a person’s official start date in one of these roles. The board may decide to apply bonding to another role (e.g. the President of the Board). The Executive Director will update the insurance and bonding instructions with the current insurance agency within one month after the Board’s decision.
XIII. Compliance
- Regulatory Compliance: The organization will defer to bookkeeping and accounting professionals to ensure that all GAAP and other IRS policies are followed for all transactions. Members will not be allowed to make financial decisions on behalf of the organization without the approval of the Treasurer and other Board members and staff based on the spending limits in the Addendums.
- Donor Restrictions: Gifts made with instructions in writing from the donor will be considered donor-restricted gifts. The organization will make every effort to respect the donor’s instructions. Should the organization not be able to meet the instructions, the Executive Director, Treasurer, or other Board member will communicate with the donor to either return the gift or ask for revisions (in writing) to the instructions. The Board will publish a separate policy for Donor Restricted Gifts and their management.
The organization may make options available via the online bookstore or other means for members to make a donation for a specific expense item, program, or general operating purposes. The organization will treat these as donor-restricted gifts insofar as making every attempt to utilize those funds for the specific purpose laid out in the bookstore. These instructions, however, will be considered only as narrow as the description provided to the donor and generally will have the latitude to be used for any expense within the given program.2
XIV. Review and Revision
- Policy Review: This policy will be reviewed and if needed, updated, annually in Oct.
- Revisions: Any proposed revisions will be reviewed by the Treasurer and/or Finance Committee. If approved, they will then be reviewed by the Board for final approval.
Spending Limits
Drafted on: Feb 6, 2025 | Adopted on: Feb 23, 2025
I. Purpose
The purpose of this addendum is to establish clear spending limits and approval thresholds to ensure financial accountability, proper oversight, and alignment with Esperanto-USA’s financial policies and mission. These guidelines will provide clarity on authorization processes for expenditures by different levels of the organization.
II. Budgeted Expenditures
Spending Amount | Approval Authority | Additional Requirements |
Up to $2,500 | Executive Director (ED) | Must align with an approved budget item. Documentation required. Must be reported in monthly and quarterly review processes. |
Up to $7,500 | Treasurer | Must align with an approved budget item. Treasurer approval required before expenditure. Must be reported in monthly and quarterly review processes. |
Up to $25,000 | Finance Committee | Must align with an approved budget item. Requires majority approval from Finance Committee. Must be reported in monthly and quarterly review processes. |
Over $25,000 | Board of Directors | Must align with an approved budget item. Requires Board vote and majority approval. Must be reported in monthly and quarterly review processes. |
III. Non-Budgeted Expenditures
Spending Amount | Approval Authority | Additional Requirements |
Up to $250 | Executive Director (ED) | Justification required for necessity outside the approved budget. Documentation required. |
Up to $1,000 | Treasurer | Justification and explanation of necessity required. Treasurer approval required before expenditure. Must be reported to Finance Committee in the next review cycle. |
Up to $5,000 | Finance Committee | Detailed justification and assessment of impact on overall budget required. Majority approval from Finance Committee. Must be reported to Board in the next meeting. |
Over $5,000 | Board of Directors | Formal written request required with impact assessment. Requires Board vote and majority approval. Must be included in financial reporting for transparency. |
- Any spending outside of the approved budget must be reviewed by the Treasurer before proceeding.
- Non-budgeted expenses over $1,000 require Finance Committee approval.
- Non-budgeted expenses over $5,000 require a formal Board vote and approval.
IV. Emergency Expenditures
- In case of an emergency requiring immediate financial action, the Treasurer, Executive Director, and President must agree before an expenditure is made.
- Emergency expenditures over $5,000 must be reported to the full Board within 5 business days.
V. Documentation and Reporting
- All expenditures require supporting documentation, such as receipts, invoices, and approval records.
- The Treasurer will review all transactions monthly and report significant deviations to the Board.
- A quarterly financial report will include a breakdown of expenditures exceeding $1,000.
VI. Compliance and Review
- These spending limits will be reviewed annually by the Finance Committee.
- Any changes to these limits must be approved by a majority vote of the Board.
- Failure to adhere to these spending guidelines may result in termination or permanent expulsion from the Board of Directors.
Reporting Details
Drafted on: Nov 1, 2024 | Adopted on: Dec 8, 2024
- Monthly Reporting: The Accountant, Executive Director, and Treasurer will agree on a date to produce reports after the monthly accounting is completed. The Treasurer (or the Executive Director if the Treasurer is not available) will produce the following reports for the closed month:
- Statement of Financial Position: current state of accounts for the organization
- Statement of Financial Activity: the expenses and income for the period
- Budget vs. Actuals Report: highlighting key areas of deviation from the budget, either income or expense
- Brokerage Statements for investment accounts and the Reed Trust
To prepare for the monthly board meeting, the reports will be saved in a Google Drive folder structure that houses financial statements. The Treasurer will prepare a summary describing key notes for the month and post it to the folder with the statements. The Treasurer will share the link with the Secretary to include into the meeting minutes. The Treasurer will deliver that report at the board meeting.
The Treasurer will have the option to not display the monthly reports during the board meeting, instead referring board members to view them independently.
- Quarterly Reporting: The Treasurer will produce the same reports as described above in “Monthly Reporting” for the previous fiscal quarter the month after the quarter ends (e.g. Q2 ends on June 30. The Q2 reports will be created in July in preparation for the July board meeting).
- Monthly reports will be deposited to the Google Drive folder described above and Quarterly versions of the reports will be deposited into the same or a similar folder for Quarterly Reports. The Treasurer will display the quarterly reports and deliver a comprehensive review of them with the board during the next board meeting.
Investment Strategy
Drafted on: Oct 27, 2024 | Adopted on: Dec 8, 2024
This Investment Management Policy provides guidelines for managing and monitoring investments held by Esperanto-USA to ensure that they align with the organization’s mission, risk tolerance, and financial goals. This addendum is designed to safeguard assets, generate income for operational sustainability, and promote transparency.
I. Types of Assets
- Permissible Investments: The organization may invest in the following asset types:
- Equities (Stocks): Publicly traded stocks from reputable companies.
- Fixed Income Securities (Bonds): Government and corporate bonds rated investment grade or higher.
- Mutual Funds & ETFs: Diversified funds focusing on growth, income, or balanced strategies.
- Cash & Cash Equivalents: Certificates of deposit, money market accounts, and short-term treasury bills for liquidity needs.
- Prohibited Investments: The organization will not invest in high-risk speculative assets, such as derivatives, options, penny stocks, or cryptocurrencies.
- Investment Diversification: To manage risk, investments shall be diversified across asset classes and sectors. No single security should comprise more than 10% of the organization’s portfolio, except in the case of mutual funds or ETFs, which inherently offer diversification.
- Risk Tolerance: The investment strategy should align with a moderate risk tolerance, focusing on growth and income to support long-term objectives.
- A moderate risk tolerance will be defined as a portfolio with the following mix of asset classes:
- Equity: 40% +/- 10%
- Fixed Income: 55% +/- 10%
- Cash: 5-10%
- A moderate risk tolerance will be defined as a portfolio with the following mix of asset classes:
II. Documentation of Unrealized Gains and Losses
- Recording Unrealized Gains and Losses: Unrealized gains and losses on investments shall be documented in the general ledger at the end of each fiscal quarter. These gains and losses will be recorded under a designated “Unrealized Gains/Losses” account in the equity section to avoid affecting operating income.
At the end of the fiscal year, the cumulative unrealized gains/losses will be reviewed and adjusted as needed to reflect market values as per generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). - Financial Reporting: Unrealized gains and losses will be disclosed in quarterly and annual financial reports to the Board, ensuring transparency in portfolio performance and market fluctuations.
III. Dividend and Interest Income Handling
- Dividends: Dividends by default will be reinvested back into the asset from which they were earned. Not all assets allow for automatic reinvestment of dividends. Where dividends are not reinvested, or should the Finance Committee decide not to reinvest dividends from an asset, they will be recorded as income in the month that they are received.
If the dividend is generated from endowment funds, the dividend will be attributed to the program(s) that the endowment supports. If the dividend is generated from general operating funds, the dividend will be attributed to the general operating account. If it is impossible to determine from which kind of fund the dividend has come, the total will be split according to the organization’s methodology for investment income recognition. - Interest Income: Interest income from fixed-income securities or cash equivalents shall be recorded as income in the general ledger. Unless the fixed-income security or cash equivalent is the result of a restricted donation, this income will be attributed to the general operating account of the organization unless the Finance Committee decides to invest it in some manner. Otherwise it will be used per the instructions in the restriction.
IV. Monitoring and Review of Investments
- Quarterly Review: The brokerage fund managers at the brokerage firm3 will monitor and review performance quarterly with the Treasurer and Finance Committee. They will assess performance of the assets, compliance with policy guidelines, and propose rebalancing of asset classes as needed. Performance benchmarks, including comparisons to relevant indices, will be reviewed to ensure that investments are meeting expected returns within acceptable risk limits.
- Reporting to the Board: The Treasurer shall provide quarterly and annual updates to the Board, including performance summaries, unrealized and realized gains/losses, and any proposed changes to the investment strategy.
V. Handling Assets that Mature or are Delisted
- Assets such as Certificates of Deposit or Bonds that mature will be automatically moved to the high-interest savings vehicle at the brokerage firm. This vehicle is typically a fund-managed money market account.
- Depending on the organization’s needs, matured assets may be liquidated and transferred to the organization’s savings account to pay for approved expenses or programs.
- If a company is de-listed for any reason resulting in funds becoming available, the brokerage firm will notify the Finance Committee and consult on whether the funds should be held in savings or reinvested according to the asset mix in Section I.4. This will trigger a rebalancing activity by the brokerage fund managers. The managers will propose how to rebalance the account to the Finance Committee who will review and approve or ask for changes.
VI. Responsible Investing
- The Finance Committee will review the assets selected by the brokerage fund managers during the quarterly review. In the event that the Finance Committee, or another board member, objects to a particular investment due to ethical or business practice concerns, the Finance Committee will review public information about the firm in question and decide whether that asset aligns with the organization’s values. If the Finance Committee agrees that the asset should be removed, they will request to the brokerage fund managers to remove it and not to invest in said company until further notice.
- Per our bylaws, Esperanto-USA seeks to spread the use of Esperanto in order to advance “friendly relations among all the peoples of the world”. Further, through our membership in the Universal Esperanto Association, we support the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Therefore, to the extent feasible, we will seek to avoid investments which contribute to or profit from conflict or ecologically unsustainable development, and we will give preference to investments which are aligned with our values.
VII. Policy Compliance and Amendments
- Compliance and Accountability: Further, the Board of Directors will receive monthly and quarterly reports from the brokerage accounts and will also be responsible and empowered to address any questions to the Finance Committee or to the full Board at any time.
Adherence to this Investment Policy will be monitored by the Treasurer and the Finance Committee during the quarterly reviews with the brokerage firm. Non-compliance with the policy or any questionable investment activity must be reported to the Board and the brokerage firm immediately. - Amendments to the Policy: This policy addendum shall be reviewed annually and updated as necessary. Any amendments require approval by a majority of the Board.
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles – standard methodologies within the United States for bookkeeping and financial management ↩︎
- Ex: a donor can give very specific purpose and time restrictions in a written form when making a donor restricted gift. However on the bookstore or other donation webpage, the organization may indicate that donations to this item will be used for educational purposes. Such a broad terminology gives the Board latitude to use those donations for any educational purpose as determined by the Board or the education Program Manager. No additional communication with the donor in this case is required nor will be performed by the Board. ↩︎
- As of the current version of this policy, Morgan Stanley is the brokerage company ↩︎