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Bonvenon al Esperanto-USA!

Esperanto is a constructed international language created in 1887 by Dr. L. L. Zamenhof. It was designed to be easy to learn and foster communication between people of different native languages. Esperanto is spoken by a global community and is used in various cultural, educational, and social contexts. In the United States, there is an active community of Esperanto speakers who participate in events, conferences, and local groups to promote and practice the language.

Esperanto-USA (also legally known as the Esperanto League for North America) is a registered US 501(c)(3) nationwide charitable organization, led by a board of directors with the assistance of various committees. Esperanto-USA was established in 1952 to promote education in Esperanto and connect speakers and supporters. It is primarily supported by members, and is open to anyone, regardless of fluency in Esperanto. Membership offers a valuable opportunity to promote Esperanto in the United States and receive our informative newsletter.

Usona Esperantisto

Usona Esperantisto (American Esperantist) is the official magazine of Esperanto-USA, providing members with the latest news, events, and developments within the Esperanto community. Published regularly, it features articles on language learning, cultural insights, and updates on national and international Esperanto activities. Through Usona Esperantisto, members stay connected and informed about the vibrant world of Esperanto.

The editors of Usona Esperantisto are Alena Adler and Logan Hall. The editors can be contacted at

Most Recent Articles:

The American Good Film Festival

Ruĝtapiŝa premiero por la 6-a Usona Bona Film-Festivalo en Atlanto, Georgio | Red carpet premiere for the 6th American Good Film Festival in Atlanta, Georgia

Esperanto-USA supports The American Good Film Festival (in Esperanto, La Usona Bona Film-Festivalo), a celebration of creativity in the Esperanto language. This short film competition invites filmmakers from around the world to submit their best work, showcasing films that are entirely in Esperanto and under five minutes long. Explore our collection of short films on our YouTube channel.

Recent Updates from Esperanto-USA:

  • Malkovru la Lingvon de Financoj en Esperanto
    Kvankam multaj homoj posedas fortan scipovon de Esperanto, financaj kaj negocaj terminoj restas malpli konataj inter eĉ spertaj parolantoj. Tamen, por ke Esperanto estu efika en ĉiuj aspektoj de la vivo, inkluzive de komerco kaj administrado, gravas koni bazajn fakvortojn de la financa mondo. Ĉi tiu serio ankaŭ subtenas la celon de Esperanto-USA plialtgradigi sian… Read More »Malkovru la Lingvon de Financoj en Esperanto
  • 2024 Q4 Financial Update | 2024 K4 Financa Ĝisdatigo
    Dum ni fermas 2024, ni ĝojas sciigi al vi la progreson, kiun ni faris, kaj niajn planojn por la estonteco. En ĉi tiu lasta kvaronjaro, ni koncentriĝis pri fortigo de la financa bazo de la organizaĵo, poziciigante nin por transforma 2025. Jen resumo de nia nuna stato: Financaj Elstaraj Punktoj Enspezoj:En K4, ni ricevis $12,407… Read More »2024 Q4 Financial Update | 2024 K4 Financa Ĝisdatigo
  • Special Committees Policy
    Quintyn Bobb | Approved: 1/19/2024 I. PurposeThe purpose of special committees (also referred to as “committees”) is to address specific issues or projects within Esperanto-USA that need focused attention. Unlike standing committees, these committees are not listed in organization’s bylaws. These committees are formed to support the organization’s strategic and operational goals. II. Formation of… Read More »Special Committees Policy

Our Most Recent Emails to Membership

**Please note** – We are currently updating our website, including translations into Esperanto, accessibility features, and integrating archived content from our previous website. We will update our membership as this site evolves. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or have any comments or suggestions, please contact us at